the Residences Featured Available, All Arris Available, All 2,433 Square Feet3 Bedroom2.5 Bathroom9 Acres Available, All Available, All Lakeside Available, All 2,790 Square Feet3 Bedroom2.5 Bathroom4.5 Acres Available, All Available, All Fieldhouse Available, All 3,633 Square Feet4 Bedroom3.5 Bathroom10 Acres Available, All Available Ledge House Available 2,612 Square Feet4 Bedroom3 Bathroom9 Acres Available Fernwood 2,350 Square Feet3 Bedroom2.5 Bathroom5 Acres Spruce 2,120 Square Feet3 Bedroom2.5 Bathroom6 Acres Elm 2,728 Square Feet4 Bedroom3 Bathroom6 Acres Forest Ridge 4,040 Square Feet4 Bedroom5 Bathroom21 Acres The Barn 2,729 Square Feet3 Bedrooms2.5 Bathrooms17.45 Acres Reed House 2,500 Square Feet3 Bedrooms2.5 Bathrooms26.4 Acres Salisbury House 3,381 Square Feet3 Bedrooms3 Bathrooms16.72 Acres Vogel House 2,615 Square Feet3 Bedroom2.5 Bathroom26 Acres Neue Cabin 1,900 Square Feet3 Bedroom2.5 Bathroom5 Acres Cabana Mountain View 2,828 Square Feet3 Bedrooms2.5 Bathrooms16. 54 Acres Sylvan Rock Total 8,430 SF4 Bedrooms4 Bathrooms, 2 Half Baths55 Acres